How to...
- ... Choose a Credential
- ... to Apply for a Credential
- ... Pay Maintenance Fee
- ... Complete Recertification
How to Choose a Credential
You have five choices:
Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) - for individuals from an array of backgrounds, who deliver services and demonstrate core competency in the field of career services. Completion of the Facilitating Career Development training program is required before applying.
Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) – recognizes the contributions of professionals who have mastered a variety of coaching, advising, consulting roles in the field of career services.
Certified Career Counselor (CCC) – the new standard of professional excellence for individuals trained as counselors, who specialize in the delivery of career counseling services.
Certified Supervisor of Career Practitioners (CSCP) (formerly known as Certified Clinical Supervisor of Career Counseling, CCSCC)– recognizes the contributions of individuals who serve as supervisors to career counselors and other practitioners who provide career services.
Certified School Career Development Advisor (CSCDA) - for providers who work with other staff in the K-12 sector to coordinate the design, implementation, and monitoring of school and community based efforts to improve the chances of students entering the job market with skills, knowledge, and credentials to be competitive.
Which credential is best for me? Think about these factors:
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Credential
NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart
Choose Your Credential - Mind Map -PDF
How to Apply for a Credential
When applying, you will first fill out a form on the NCDA website and submit your payment. Then you will be directed to the online application. You will need to:
Read the full description of the credential, all FAQs and the Study Guide (if available) before applying for the credential of your choice.
Complete the form to start the application and pay. Then, after your payment is processed, watch your email for instructions/confirmation directing you to the credentialing system.
Create a new account with the credentialing system - do not use your NCDA login. Follow all instructions in that system and watch your email for confirmation.
Questions regarding applying, the process of receiving case studies, or status of the application may be directed to Bri Navarro at [Note: the NCDA headquarters office is closed on Fridays.]
Three costs are involved in being credentialed (and one optional cost):
1. Application fees: (application fees are non-refundable)
$100.00 for the Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP)
$175.00 for all other credentials
2. Maintenance fee:
After receiving a credential, holders must pay maintenance fees to maintain their credential. The first year, after the credential is achieved there is no maintenance fee. Pricing for the second and third years are set annually by the Credentialing Commission. Currently the fee is $40 annually OR $50 for a two-year period which will cover maintenance through the recertification date. A late fee of $35.00 will be charged for not maintaining a credential in a timely manner.
3. Continuing Education requirements:
Credential holders are required to obtain 30 contact hours of qualified continuing education within three years after receiving the credential. These are available in a variety of ways and costs. Please view the Credentialing Commission's Continuing Education Manual.
Optional Fee - for NCDA members only:
If you have received a NCDA Credential through the NCDA Credentialing Commission, you are eligible to market your services on the NCDA "Need Career Help" section of the website. This is optional and costs are set annually by the Credentialing Commission. Your name, email and website will be listed in our online directory along with your credential title. Website visitors may search and then contact you to get career help. Sign up when you receive your welcome email or maintenance notice.
How to Pay Your Maintenance Fee
One year after achieving your credential, you will receive an email notifying you that your Maintenance Fee is due.
A late fee of $35.00 will be charged for not maintaining a credential in a timely manner. Failure to pay the maintenance fee within 60 days will result in “inactive status.” During the “inactive status” you are denied permission to use the credential logo on your website or social media. After three years, you do not pay a maintenance fee because you must submit for recertification.
How to Submit for Recertification
At the end of the third year, the credential holder must be recertified and provide evidence of 30 hours of continuing education. Recertification will be automatic if maintenance fees are paid and sufficient clock hours have been earned. A late fee of $35.00 will be charged for not recertifying a credential in a timely manner. View Recertification details and watch your email.