2025 AI Virtual Summit

April 9, 2025

12:00 noon Eastern Time
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Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn and get involved. Join us in making a difference!

Continuing Education is available for this event.


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agenda cpi

Presentation Descriptions and Speaker Biographies

*times listed are Eastern

12:00 pm Welcome 
12:15 pm Opening Session: Jaanaa Kettunen, University of Jyvaskyla
1:30 pm Panel Discussion
2:45 pm

Breakout Sessions

AI as a Career Coaching Ally: Embracing Adaptability for the Future
Dr. Tina Persson, CEO, passage2pro

The AI Career Assessment Revolution
Ellen Weaver Paquette, Developpe International




continuing education cpi

Continuing Education 

Continuing Education hours are available for this event. After the event, NCDA will send participants an electronic link to the evaluation form. After completion of the evaluation, the system will direct you to your online membership record where your continuing education transcript can be printed.

NCDA Cred Comm LogoNCDA's Credentialing Commission has approved the CPI according to the Continuing Education Manual




What is a Career Practitioner Institute?

What is a Career Practitioner Institute?

NCDA offers these smaller, regional conferences for the purpose of

  1. gathering practitioners together for a day-long event or virtual afternoon at a low cost
  2. allowing state CDA leaders, NCDA Board members and representatives opportunities to present to and interact with smaller groups of practitioners
  3. showcasing NCDA expert members, helpful products and benefits to anyone working in the field of career development
  4. offering CEs (continuing education credits) to practitioners who seek these
  5. convening Board meetings and state CDAs


What are participants saying about
NCDA Career Practitioner Institutes?

 "Two of the best things about the presentations were the thought- provoking ideas and concepts and the competencies of the facilitators."

 "I enjoyed gaining new information and practices to re-energize my work."

 "As a new member, this was very beneficial... I learned about the many resources and training opportunities available to me personally, but also those that will be helpful in my work with my students."

What have participants learned?


"How to facilitate people to unlock their own potential."

"The importance of focus."

"How to be the 'guide on the side, not the sage on the stage'."


AI as a Career Coaching Ally: Embracing Adaptability for the Future
Dr. Tina Persson

The labor market is currently undergoing rapid change due to digitalization and AI, and we will see more changes in the next ten years than in the past century. As career coaches and advisors, adapting to these rapid shifts requires embracing new strategies and integrating AI-driven tools such as ChatGPT to efficiently support you and your clients.

Say goodbye to the old and hello to the new!

AI will not replace the coach's role. Instead, it will redefine it, allowing coaches to focus on human-centric aspects of their practice. By leveraging AI, you can help clients, e.g., investigate their natural talents and, with the help of AI, broaden and explore your client's perspective of job fields and job roles that fit their natural drives and motivation. It’s not only effective but also fun!

To that, AI can handle tasks such as resume optimization and interview preparation, allowing you to focus on developing your clients' mindsets, uncovering their core values, addressing hidden fears, and helping them gain clarity in their career paths.

In this workshop, I will share insights from over three years of using AI in my coaching practice. I’ll demonstrate how AI can save clients hours of time on administrative tasks with the right guidance and carefully crafted questions, allowing more focus on meaningful conversations about their aspirations, values, and goals. We’ll explore how AI can act as a creative partner, sparking innovative thinking and helping clients step outside their usual perspectives.

This workshop is designed for career coaches and advisors curious about how AI can support their coaching practice.

The AI Career Assessment Revolution
Ellen Weaver Paquette
In this session you will learn of rapid changes in the field of career assessments, the influence of AI and the implications of ethical assessments.


Speaker Bios

Dr. Tina Persson is a visionary coach with a multifaceted background from the university and the corporate world. She holds an ICF PCC certification as an Executive and Career & Leadership Coach, specializing in emotional and adaptability intelligence. These skills have played a crucial role in shaping her educational and coaching business. Additionally, Tina is a highly sought-after speaker. She frequently facilitates workshops and seminars for senior leaders, C-level executives, and high-potential individuals to help them achieve their goals. She is also an expert in leadership and team coaching facilitation.
Having spent nearly two decades in academia, Tina transitioned to the recruitment industry, gaining eight years of expertise as a Recruiter, Talent- and Brand Manager. Leveraging her diverse experience, she empowers researchers to transition smoothly from academia to rewarding business-driven careers. Her guidance has helped hundreds of researchers worldwide launch their new careers successfully.
As a successful businesswoman with an unwavering entrepreneurial spirit, Tina is the Founder of Passage2Pro AB, an educational and coaching company, and Aptahem AB, a biotech start-up featured in over 20 scientific publications. Furthermore, Tina is the inventor of 2 scientific patents. This passionate professional works out at the CrossFit Gym when she isn't coaching.
Ellen Weaver Paquette, NCC, CSSP, NCDA Fellow and FCD Master Trainer has taught career development to graduate students in counseling for 34 years while teaching the FCD credential to those in agencies, government, business and education in the United States and abroad. She has taught in Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Singapore and most recently Saudi Arabia. She has been recognized for her contributions to NCDA in two prestigious awards, has served on the NCDA FCD original Advisory Council and on the NCDA Board of Directors. Ellen is known for her depth of knowledge and practice, her humor, mentoring of students and perspective within the career development field. She holds two advanced degrees in counseling psychology from Rhode Island College and has lengthy experience in higher education administration. Ellen has presented at state, regional, national conferences in the United States and Canada on topics such as career genograms, using supervision in career counseling and social media.